
Increasing Operational Efficiency With Kasten K10 V6.0

We are excited to announce the release of Kasten K10 version 6.0, the latest and most advanced version of our industry-leading platform that provides enterprise-grade Kubernetes data protection and application mobility. This release helps customers scale their cloud native data protection efficiently. Kubernetes deployments are growing at an unprecedented rate. Gartner predicts that by 2027, more than 90% of global organizations will be running containerized applications in production. However, today’s market conditions are scarred with financial uncertainty and a shortage of cloud native skills. Therefore, you must ensure operational efficiencies are in place to unleash the full potential of your cloud native environments while protecting your data. Additionally, security remains an imperative as organizations focus on keeping their businesses running. With this release, we also continue to innovate in this growing ecosystem, so that you can take advantage of the best-of-breed inn

Announcing the Ransomware Trends Report for 2023

Veeam is proud to release the findings of yet another independent research project, the 2023 Ransomware Trends Report . What’s almost as bad as going through a cyberattack is talking about it to others, so Veeam contracted with a research firm to conduct blind interviews and surveys of 1,200 organizations who suffered one or more attacks in 2022. A key aspect of the project was to survey four different personas involved in aspects of cyber-prevention or attack-remediation, including: CISO or another responsible IT executive Security professionals IT operations Backup administrators According to the 2023 Data Protection Trends Report , 85% of organizations suffered at least one cyberattack in 2022, which is unfortunately up from 76% in 2021. As such, and to ensure that Veeam continues to develop industry-leading solutions that enable cyber-resiliency, Veeam contracted a global research firm to survey organizations of all sizes across 14 countries around the world. The 2023 Ra

5 Key Considerations for CTOs Building a Recovery Plan

Introduction It’s no secret that as time has passed, the data landscape we all live in has grown exponentially, and with each day that goes by, protecting your business-critical data from ransomware has become an increasingly complex process. While each company’s business continuity plan will look a little different, there are thankfully some key steps that every CTO can take when building the cyber security resiliency plan that best fits their business. In this blog post, we’ll discuss five key things to consider when building your own ransomware recovery strategy. Consideration 1: Identify Critical Systems and Data As a CTO, it is essential that you can identify the systems and data that are most essential for your business to function. You need to ask yourself and your team: What data would be catastrophic for us to lose? What systems would disrupt business continuity the most if they were to be attacked? While this may seem obvious, being able to focus in on your most critic

How To Migrate a Veeam Backup & Replication Configuration Database to PostgreSQL

Before Veeam Backup & Replication v11, the product used SQL Server to create and store its configuration database. It has always been possible to use SQL Server Express to store a Veeam Backup & Replication, however, this version of SQL Server had some critical limitations. In the 2022 version of SQL Server Express, the most relevant limitations were: Use of one socket or four cores Use of only 1.4GB per instance 10GB limit for databases In an environment of 500 machines or fewer, these limitations may not have an impact, but if you have a large backup environment, you had to migrate to one of the paid SQL Server versions to avoid these limitations. You can check the limits for each version of SQL Server 2022 by clicking this link . For V12 and with scalability, performance and licensing cost in mind, Veeam introduced the possibility of using PostgreSQL as a configuration database. PostgreSQL is a relational database management system that’s been used for over 35 years

Securing Veeam Hardened Repository

After selecting the right hardware for the Veeam Backup & Replication Hardened Repository and installing the Ubuntu Linux operating system, the next step is secure the operating system according to the DISA STIG (Defense Information Systems Agency Security Technical Implementation Guides) guidelines. This blog post describes the hardening process for Ubuntu 20.04 free edition. For Ubuntu Pro users, there is an easier way . To keep it as simple as possible, Veeam provides a script that automates the setting of security options. The requirement for the script to work is such that Ubuntu is set up as described in the installing the Ubuntu Linux blog post. Prerequisites Before starting the hardening process, let’s recap the current state and adjust settings if needed. Hardware monitoring is enabled in the out-of-band management of the Hardened Repository server. Vendor-specific hardware monitoring tools are not covered in this blog post Minimal Ubuntu installation on an UEFI

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